The Routing number for TCF National Bank is a 9 digit number generally found at the bottom-left corner of the paper check. This unique number identifies a bank uniquely. It is also called ABA number because it is allocated by American Bankers Association and sometimes also referred to as “Check Routing Numbers”, “ABA Numbers”, or “Routing Transit Numbers” (RTN). Routing numbers may differ depending on where your account was opened and the type of transaction made.
Here you can find the routing number for TCF National Bank.
TCF Corporation, the company which owns TCF Bank is in fact a financial holding organization which is operating and functioning throughout the nation, with its total assets perking very close to the $14 Billion mark.
TCF Bank offers banking products and services to individual as well as institutionalized customers. TCF Bank alone earns around 85 percent of the total earnings of TCF Corporation.
Whereas the remaining associates of TCF Corporation furnish financial products and services such as :
- equipment finance
- leasing
- investment opportunities
- sales of insurance policies.
TCF Bank operates and provides full services in the following states of the U.S.
- Minnesota
- Wisconsin
- Illinois
- Michigan
- Colorado
- Indiana and
- Arizona