Bank of America Routing Numbers

Routing number for Bank of America or BOA or BofA is a 9 digit number which uniquely identifies a bank. This number is generally found at the bottom-left corner of the paper check. It is also called ABA number as it is allocated by American Bankers Association. Routing numbers are sometimes also referred to as “Check Routing Numbers”, “ABA Numbers”, or “Routing Transit Numbers” (RTN). Your Routing numbers may differ depending on where your account was opened and the type of transaction made. The best way to find it is to look at your check book or ask the bank directly.

You can find and search for the Bank of America Routing Numbers here –

Bank of America Routing Number


One thought on “Bank of America Routing Numbers”

  1. I am looking for the routing # for international
    Wire transfers and Swift code. These are for BOA.
    Thank you. Louis

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